Family Celebration

One of the recent jobs that we did was a very interesting one. Our client, Mrs Pancha wanted to celebrate the young ones in the family and also her mother's birthday. She chose our irresistablelittle sambellina treat boxes in polka dot red and blue and left the rest to us.

This is what we did for the family celebration :

1. Sambellina Treat Boxes in Polka Dot blue and red x 60
2. Gift tags for the treat boxes x 60
3. Potpourri as doorgifts x 60
4. Table Signages x 6
5. Balloons Bouquet
6. Toppers for the ladoo x 60

Here are some of the pictures we took in preparing for the event.

Gift tags in red and blue and Toppers for the ladoo
Polka Dot Red and Blue Treat Boxes
Blue Sambellina Treat Boxes with red gift tags

Red Sambellina Treat Boxes with blue gift tags
Table Signage
Thank you Mrs Pancha for lettings us help with such a wonderful family occasion!


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